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tv   The Place for Politics 2016  MSNBC  April 7, 2016 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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dollars from wall street whose greed and illegal behavior helped destroy our economy. >> don't make promises you can't keep, want to achieve and bring everybody together to get the results and that's what i'll do in new york and if so fortunate, as president. >> and street cred. democratic front-runner tries to prove she's no token new yorker, riding the fore train and swiping metro card and pounding pavement in the bronx. >> i love new york, and i am just thrilled to have the time to spend here and see my friends and people i've worked with. and looking forward to the primary. coming up, new york city mayor bill de blasio joining us live. and values voters. ted cruz tries to hold his own on donald trump's home turn. defending his comments about new york values. >> you know, it's easy to talk about making america great again. you could even print that on a
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baseball cap. >> we all know people that died and i've got this guy standing over there looking at me talking about new york values with scorn in his face. i think you can forget about him. good day, everyone. i'm andrea mitchell in washington. hillary clinton and bernie sanders taking a page out of the republican primary play book ramping up their attacks against each other as their private frustrations pour over into public view. >> hillary clinton thinks because i'm from a small state in vermont, we're going to come here to new york and pennsylvania and they're going to beat us up and go after us in some kind of really uncalled for way, that we're not going to fight back? they can guess again. that's not the case. this campaign will fight back. >> clinton put on a happy face this morning taking on a crowd
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of security. reporters and new yorkers for a ride. >> madam secretary? >> a year, year and a half, something like that. just going around new york. i really love it because it's so convenient. it is just the best way to get around. >> new york city mayor bill de blasio, a hillary clinton supporter and joining me now. thank you so much for being with us. you couldn't have a better advertisement for new york or for new york politics. welcome to new york of both parties in tumult today. first of all, bernie sanders' accusation saying she's not qualified. literally, she didn't use those words on her own air on msnbc, on joe scarborough but isn't it the clear strategy to put it out there that these comments on the daily news show he's not up to the job and question his qualifications to be president? >> i don't agree with that.
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hillary clinton was on "morning joe" yesterday and very respectful of bernie sanders. she talked about the differences they have and who would be the best leader for the country. hillary clinton is clearly one of the most qualified people to ever run for president of the united states. and there's no plausibility to any argument that she's not qualified. she brings so much to the table and she's ready to hit the ground running as president. o you noticed bernie sanders starting to back away from his comments. i think he should keep backing away and get away from something that clearly doesn't make sense. he keyed off on a "washington post" article that was inaccurate and portrayed inaccurately and i understand the emotions of candidates and the heat of battle. but this is about issues. this is about getting back to where we need to take the country. when hillary said, look, she has the strongest plan to take on wall street and rein in the
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excesses of wall street, bernie has his own vision. he has to be able to. he better take the tough questions and show how he can get it done. that's fair game. but it's ludicrous to say that hillary clinton is not qualified. and both of them have a distinguished career. let's get back to the competing visions and where this country needs to go and who can get it done. i believe fundamentally, hillary clinton can take her vision and put it into action and that's what it needs as someone to get these changes made. >> clinton also suggested to politico in his podcast he's not a real democrat. although he's supported a democrat's caucus for the democrats. is there concern he'll go his own way with his passionate legion of supporters? their money, their passion, their engagement. if he does not get the nomination and he's the underdog here? >> i think one thing we can say about this whole campaign here, huge contrast between democrats and republicans.
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republican campaign. it's been a respectful campaign, by and large. hillary clinton said bernie sanders would be better than a trump or a cruz. bernie sanders said he will support the democratic nominee. they both made clear in the end they believe in a progressive vision for this country. so i don't have a question in the end that people can and will come together. i believe they'll come together behind hillary clinton and i believe there'll be a lot of unity in this party. that's why the discussion should be about the issues, great. we have differences in our parties and argue who can get certain things done and which is the best policy. great. that is a healthy debate. by the way, like in 2008, andrea, you saw the long, long campaign in 2008 all the way to the end between barack obama and hillary clinton and what happened? it energized the whole party and
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in november, there was a great wellspring of democratic energy that came out to the polls. that's a healthy process. but clearly, let's just start at the beginning. hillary clinton is one of the most qualified people to ever run for president of the united states. >> you took a while to decide to endorse her. you've well been long known to be a progressive. isn't your heart closer to bernie sanders on a lot of the issues? >> look, i said when i first started talking publicly about the candidates, i said hillary clinton is one of the most qualified people to ever run for president of the united states and i had immense respect for her but i want a vision for income inequality. i ran for office here. hillary clinton systemically put together not only a progressive platform, but the most of anyone who could be a president of the united states in a generation. this platform will fundamentally increase wages and benefits of working people and full day
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pre-k for all and tax wealthier. i think there's a growing consensus about these issues. i wanted to see that vision so i could get behind it 110% and she could produce that vision. there's no question in my mind she knows how to implement the vision. that's the power of hillary clinton. she knows how to get the job done. i'm comfortable that she's the voice for any progressive who wants to make these changes happen, and i think in the fall, people will see that. they'll come together because they'll see it is a tremendously progressive platform and someone who took on the insurance companies in 1993, you remember how intense that fight was. if you're going to take on wall street, you have to be tough. you have to be willing to go up against money and power. she showed that in 1993 and 1994 staring down the companies regardless of what they threw at her. >> mr. mayor, thank you so much for being with us today. >> thank you, andrea. and after riding the subway,
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hillary clinton sat down with "the today show's" matt lauer. >> he said he doesn't think you're qualified to be president. >> that will be up to the voters of new york and other states that will be passing judgment in the weeks ahead. i think it's kind of a silly statement. but he's free to say whatever he chooses. here's what i believe. i believe voters will be looking at both of us, but i will take bernie sanders over donald trump or ted cruz anytime. >> that full interview airs tomorrow and plus, an interview with senator bernie sanders. speaking of senator sanders, jeff weaver from burlington, vermont. thank you very much for being with us. your reaction, first of all, to what hillary clinton just said. >> well, i think there certainly is agreement among the campaigns that either a bernie sanders or secretary clinton would be head and shoulders above any of the
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republican ros out there. that's 100% agreement. >> she said it was silly to say she's not qualified. he said last night that she started it. there is a lot of disagreement exactly about that because if you look carefully, joe scarborough press and pressed and she said, that's not for me to decide, that's for the voters to decide. what do you think she was really doing in her interview with joe scarborough? >> i went to law school like the secretary. you get a lot of training on how to say things without saying them. she said, that's for the voters to decide. they're playing a cute game in terms of language. but the washington post got it right when they were in the headline saying hillary clinton was questioning bernie sanders'
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qualifications. cnn jeff zelany reported that the new clinton campaign strategy was disqualify him, defeat him and reignite the party later. it's clear what they are trying to do. they got caught at it. bernie sanders decided not to be a punching bag for that kind of campaign and now they're pulling back obviously. >> was he pulling back from the brink, if you will, today? he seemed to be softening the rhetoric a bit. >> he's run an issue-oriented campaign from the beginning of the race and wants to focus on the issues, confronting new yorkers and all americans like income inequality, corrupt finance system. those are the issues he's been talking about on the campaign trail and the issues he wants to focus on. but clearly, the clinton campaign decided to get into new york that the environment was more rough and tumble and start taking jabs at senator sanders. he's not going to take it. if that's the kind of campaign
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they want to run, that's what they get. if they want to talk about the contrast between the candidates, that's the kind of campaign bernie sanders will run. >> will this guarantee the election of a republican? >> you'll note that when i heard about this campaign to disqualify/defeat bernie sanders, i said at the time this could be dangerous for the democratic party and it could be. i think bernie sanders brought out millions of young people otherwise disenchanted with the political process and wildly popular with independent voters and to gratuitously attack bernie sanders is a dangerous move for the clinton campaign. >> jeff weaver, thank you very much for being with us today. covering the republican race, nbc's hallie jackson in upstate new york where ted cruz just wrapped up an event. hallie, i never thought i'd say
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the democratic race is nastier this very moment, at least for the last couple of hours. >> reporter: it's funny, and the fact we're talking so much. normally it's the republicans leading the hours on msnbc and now it's the democrats. but ted cruz and donald trump are still locked in a battle here in new york. the battle trump appears to be winning. polling well above ted cruz dead last in this state and here at this event that's wrapping up just outside of new york. this is upstate new york where the cruz campaign thinks they could peel off some delegates for trump and the campaign said there were about 1800 people packing this gymnasium. the line was set a couple of hours outside this school before the event began. and i want to just highlight for you some of the comments, some of the energy that cruz is bringing here. here's one moment played again and again and again part of his stump speech. we hear it all the time but listen to what he had to say and the crowd's reaction. >> the democratic field consists
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of a wild-eyed socialist with ideas that are dangerous for america and the world, and bernie sanders. >> reporter: ruckus. and donald trump aide tells he he believes he will win in new york and beat ted cruz and get enough of a threshold to sweep the state and all 95 delegates making the turn to pennsylvania, delaware, some of the northeastern states in a very strong position. a lot going on today, andrea. we'll check back in with a matza bakery with the jewish community as well. >> thank you so much, hallie jackson. coming up, don't mess with vermont. bernie sanders doubling down on those attacks on hillary clinton.
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one of clinton's biggest supporters in the senate joining me next. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. it'sand your doctor at yoto maintain your health.a because in 5 days, 10 hours and 2 minutes you are going to be 67. and on that day you will walk into a room where 15 people will be waiting... 12 behind the sofa, 2 behind the table and 1 and a half behind a curta. family: surprise! but only one of them will make a life long dream come true.
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i'm phonot going to get beaten or lied about. they've lost seven out of the last eight caucuses and primaries. i know they develop a new approach. >> and joining me now from washington from capitol hill, democratic senator clair mccaskill. she's endorsed hillary clinton for president. senator, you worked with both
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senator clinton, obviously, when she's in the senate and have known bernie sanders for a long time. what is going on here? >> i'm not sure. i'm a little worried about it. i mean, come on. of course, hillary clinton is qualified. i don't know why bernie went there. especially when you watch the interview that hillary clinton did, the people interviewing her tried to get her to say that bernie wasn't qualifying and she refused to say it. she ultimately said the voters have to decide. and i'm worried. because we've got real work to do in november and got to stay united. what we agree on is so important to our country. so i just hope that we don't go there. the republicans need to do the playground juvenile attacks, negative campaigns. we need to stay on the high road. and i hope that bernie and his supporters, who i respect immensely, by the way, i hope they stay on the high road.
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>> are there people like yourself and others in the party who believe he should not be persisting in this race given the numerical odds? i mean, she won't say that, but are you going to say that? >> well, i think there is an awful lot of respect for what bernie has accomplished in this race and his supporters are passionate for a good reason. and i think that all of us are reluctant to say to bernie sanders and his supporters that the math doesn't work. i think this will take care of itself as long as the campaigns stay by and large positive about the things we agree on. and don't go into negative attacks. and calling hillary clinton not qualified is like fingernails on a black board to many women across this country and i think bernie probably knows that. >> do you think gender is
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involved? >> i don't think it's right. women who have succeeded in male-dominated fields have been used to being marginalized. we have a candidate for president who is the most qualified and happens to be a woman. and i think there are many women that are excited about that and for anybody to call her unqualified is hard for those women to hear. i don't think bernie really believes that hillary clinton isn't qualified to be president. i think he knows that she is, and i just hope that the negative tone was just an aberration and we go back to discussing ideas and different approaches to ideas and let's let this play out in a way that allows us to come together in november to win the most important presidential race, i think, of my lifetime. >> he said she's not qualified because she supported the iraq
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war and all sorts of trades deals including the panama trade deal that he said opened the way for billions of dollars to be hidden offshore, a thbecause of support for wall street, because she takes money from super pacs. those are idea-based criticisms. >> bernie sanders has supported a lot of candidates with that list. and once again, i think we all need to focus on all the things we agree on. both hillary clinton and bernie sanders want to do away with citizens united. both of them are committed to cleaning up the dark money in politics. both of them are committed to being tough on wall street and making sure that the system is not rigged against the middle class. so there really isn't a difference in commitment to these issues. i think there's a difference in terms of how realistic, perhaps, the candidates are. about what can be achieved and how pragmatic you have to be about what's possible. we don't need to break everyone's hearts.
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promising things that can't be delivered. on the other hand, i think they do agree on so much. and i hope that all of the bernie supporters and hillary spo supporters focus on that. >> thank you so much. coming up, supreme showdown. barack obama back home to make the case for senate republicans to consider merritt garland. one of the republican senators who met garland is joining me next. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. when you think about success, what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is,
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talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. it's my decision to make beauty last. fix. roc retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use it the better it works. retinol correxion from roc. methods, not miracles.
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back on the hill today and yet another round of meetings. his first is democratic highcamp of north dakota. >> how many are you so far? >> three or four. everybody's been really nice. >> actually, had more than 20 meetings by the end of today. although, just three of them with republicans. republican senator susan collins of maine was one of them and joins me now. how difficult was it for you to meet with judge merritt garland? >> i didn't find it difficult at all. it's customary when a supreme court nominee is set up to the senate that we sit down and have a one on one exchange. that's what i've done every single time a supreme court nominee has been before the senate. and it seemed only natural and customary to do it in this case as well.
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>> did you hear from mitch mcconnell from the majority leader? >> i think mitch understands very well that we just have different views on this issue. and that both of us are sincere in our beliefs. he feels very strongly that this issue should be put over until there's a new president. i think it's evident this president has every right and a duty to proceed with the nomination, and then the senate could hold the kinds of hearings that we normally do and either give our consent or withhold or consent. >> how much support do you think there might be on the republican side to hold hearings? >> well, it's interesting, andrea. because when we left to go to our home states just two weeks ago, there were only two or three of us who were willing to sit down with judge garland. now there are some 12 to 14
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republican senators who are willing to at least grant him a one-on-one meeting. i view that as a good sign and as a sign that the normal process might be able to take place. >> so you think that there's some possibility there would be hearings? i mean, they still could vote him down, you know, or not even take it to the floor or not rem it to the floor. >> exactly. and that's been one of my arguments is that hearings allow for a much fuller vetting of all of the issues that is possible in our meeting. although, i felt that we covered a great deal of ground. public hearings over a series of days and being questioned by a variety of senators really enables other senators to know more about the nominee, his judicial temperament, his respect for the rule of law and
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his fidelity to the constitution. that's what's customary. the process would be that. and then it could be the committee votes him down. it could be that the committee is that he deserves confirmation. i just think we need to take this step by step in the customary way. >> senator collins, thanks very much for being with us. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. coming up, the boogie down bronx. hillary clinton responding to bernie sanders while commuting with new yorkers coming up on "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. jordan and chelsea were searching for the perfect place for their wedding on oh! yurt. yes! earthy... just rustic. [laughing] oh my gosh. wow. [owl howling] [gulp] uhhow about an island? island, yeah. yeah. yeah.
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i understand that bernie sanders thinks you're not qualified. >> it's a silly thing to say. i trust the voters of new york who know me and have voted for me three times and once in the
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presidential primary. look, i don't know why he's saying that. >> hillary clinton outside yankee stadium in the bronx laughing off the latest from senator sanders. an opponent who's not backing down from the charge she's qualified to be president and who simply is persistent and has millions of followers and a lot of money. joining me now for daily fix, usa today, susan page and "washington post" political correspondent ann gearan and new york times, peters. her problem is, he won't go away. he's not going away. maybe the odds are against him mathematically, but you know better than any of us, you're there every day. >> i mean, they are in a grudge match right now. each of them has gotten under the other's skin and i think we saw that more than the specifics of who said what about
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qualifications this week. what we saw was just visceral anger, dislike, annoyance, frustration, all of those things playing out between the candidates, between their staffs, in person, and on twitter. >> one of the things that annoyed him so much, angered him so much, susan, was jeff zealany's reporting that tactically, they'll go at him and try to show that he's not competent based on the daily news interview and we all had that and they circulated the transcript that night. >> what a new york value? tough campaigning. tough, bitter campaigning is a fundamental new york value and in a way, it's a compliment because they think can't just ignore him and pivot to donald trump. >> keeps trying to do that. >> keeps trying to. but hillary clinton has the lead in new york and assume she'll win in new york, a lead of 10 or 12 point bus we've had other circumstances in wisconsin and michigan where bernie sanders
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has come from behind and won big and i think there's a little bit of concern that new york is, if that happened in new york, it could be quite serious. >> jeremy, in fact, there's a lot of concern in upstate new york where manufacturing has been hammered, where jobs have disappeared, that that is exactly the area that could resonate for bernie sanders. that's why they are emphasizing what she did as senator but to some people, that's a long time ago. >> it's a long time ago, but certainly, you could travel up there and it's a lot of places. it's like a land stuck in time. manufacturing has been all but depleted. there's some technology-based companies that are really thriving but it's a sh ringirin hollowed out place. >> states are a great working ground for young reporters, i find. >> their dysfunction makes congress look quaint.
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>> here's a new bernie sanders ad designed specifically, simon and gar ffunkel with new york imagery. watch. >> just a short clip. he's ready for new york. he's gearing up for new york and it's a must-win because it's the key to the keystone state to the rest of the middle atlantic to connecticut, new jersey or any shot he has. >> a bernie sanders victory in new york would not only badly embarrass hillary clinton, it would give him the thing he doesn't have now, which is a real legitimate peg on which to hang this argument that there's still a path for him to the nomination and that might be
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true by embarrassing her by coming really close. that's what we expect this campaign to argue. >> it seems to me, her comments that she's the real democrat, he's not a real democrat partly to say, hey, super delegates, elected democratic officials, don't listen to the siren call to switch to him because that's his only real path. >> i think there's two audiences. one was new york voters where only registered democrats can vote in the primary and independents in open primaries in wisconsin, that won't be the case this time. we haven't seen much public erosion but if she lost new york, which we don't expect her to do but say she did, that's when you really look at the super delegates and see if there's nervousness about the nominee. >> jeff weaver was on the show today. despite the comments about the real problem with the republicans and all come
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together, but when there's a real toughness and tension between these two camps now. and when you talk about how you bring them all together, this is the first time in a long time since the earlier debates where they were really mixing it up with each other. that i realliy had begun to wonder, is there a chance if he's not the nominee? not throw his support, not do what she did in 2008? >> i wondered about this myself, andrea. if you look at the disgust with which a lot of bernie sanders supporters view the way that they think the system has been rigged, it's not just the financial system, it's the political process itself. they feel like the super delegate system has totally stacked the deck against bernie and made it impossible for him to win. they feel like this is being taken from them, and that's a very, very potent emotion in this election, on both sides. republican and democrats. >> he's calling for a
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revolution. what do you say if you won't win? >> the timetable, you know he'll stay in. but the conventions are really early this year in july. there's not much time between then and the convention for everyone to come to a peace so bernie sanders would support her and convince his supporters to do so. >> and in fact, jane sanders said would all of your contributors be turned over to her and combine it all? she said, well, they're not monolithic. we can't speak for them. that's a very strong statement. >> there's very much an open question and jeremy just referred to it, with what level of enthusiasm and leadership a defeated bernie sanders might try to bring along his supporters? which would, of course, include this amazing machine that they have built, which she does not have and of course, would love
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to have in addition to the outright support of the voters. all the mechanics that go with it that have fueled this really extraordinary campaign that he's run raising money online and holding events with 5,000 to 11,000 people like on a random tuesday. >> speaking of random tuesdays, what a day it has been already. thank you so much. new york state of mind. candidates rough and tumble candidates in the big apple. some columnists, "the new york post"s coming up next right here on "andrea mitchell reports." one crest 3d white smile... all it takes... turn the tables. crest 3d white toothpaste... ...removes 5 times more stains... ...than the red box. for a smile like that, crest 3d white... is the way to whiten.
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it's my decision to make beauty last. fix. roc retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use it the better it works. retinol correxion from roc. methods, not miracles. i've got this guy talking about new york values with scorn in his face, with hatred of new
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york. so folks, i think you can forget about him. >> it's getting ugly in new york. donald trump pouncing on ted cruz after cruz's controversial comments about new york values. trump is rescheduling trips to the west coast this week keeping his focus largely on winning new york. with 12 days until the primary, how much ugliy eiey eier can it? i'm joined by fred dicker. great to see you. >> nice to be with you. >> i should point out to all the people tweeting in, yes, i know it's thursday. but those covering new york politics, we haven't not slept since tuesday. tell me about the donald trump versus ted cruz match-up in new york. it does seem that ted cruz has a really steep hill to climb given his background, texas, new york values, all of that, up against
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donald trump. >> coming out of wisconsin, i think he's got a good deal of momentum and donald trump has heard himself in new york. that said, ted cruz doesn't have big base of support in new york except evangelicals who don't make up a large part of the vote. but the one unknown here and donald trump could be in trouble in new york because of this unknown is how much money will the super pacs spend in new york to try and stop donald trump? millions of dollars in tv advertising, that could make a big difference. >> the daily news cover was trying to stick it to ted cruz. obviously, those name of the subway trains. >> less than 20% of the vote is in new york city for the republicans. there's hardly any in the city and to the extent it's there, they're probably not all that comfortable with abortion or the
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attack on ted cruz's wife and as far as cruz talking about new york values and being critical of it, a lot of republicans are critical of what they see. so i don't think that hurts ted cruz. the battle will be outside new york and the suburbs of new york, the republicans tend to be very liberal and relatively liberal, especially choice on abortion and upstate where i think donald trump will do better because of the severe economic negative condition that so many faced. >> trump rolled out a list of pretty impressive names for people in new york, republicans in new york, helping him upstate. >> no question. there are a number of county chairman who have come out on his side and very few of the legislature, very few congressmen on his side. and it's widely known now in new york that the trump organization is not well organized. they're having difficulties, for instance, putting together rallies for next week because they don't have an on the ground infrastructure. but that said, ted cruz isn't doing much better.
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>> fred dicker, thank you so much. it's going to be fun to watch the next 12 days. >> it will be. new video released by belgian police showing the surviving suspect still on the run, his identity not known fleeing the scene and tracking his escape route across the city. known as the man in white from that original surveillance video from the airport. we remember that picture. the new cctv footage captures at different points in the state. the sheraton hotel and avis car rental parking lot and later spotted in another part ditching the jacket with a bright shirt of sleeves. the police released this with the appeal to the public with new information or witnesses on the subject. autism advocacy. ceo bob wright, national leader in autism awareness and research. joining me next on "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc.
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april is autism awareness month. last week, president obama issued a proclamation recognizing thursday, april 2nd, as world autism awareness day. as landmarks lit in blue in recognition of the special day, joining me now is the co-founder of autism speaks with his wife, suzanne. bob wright, the former ceo of nbc and author of a new memoir, "the wright stuff," his transition from former chair to autism speaks for the millions of people. bob, it's great to see you. as you can see, got my autism speaks blue pin. and thank you for everything you're doing. congratulations on the book. why did you want to write the
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book? >> there was a story to be told and suzanne convinced me to do it. our family was deeply involved with nbc and even before that, with cox in atlanta. so they grew up with television and all the things i was involved in. we had so many things over 22 years. it goes back 30 years that i thought it would just make something the family would have. it got out of hand. at one point, we had 1200 pages. that was a little too much. but there's a lot of new york values in there. >> there certainly is. and the fact is, i mean, autism speaks, the origin, of course, was with the diagnosis of your grandson. and what you discovered, how little research there was. how little medical knowledge. and you sparked it. you had the connections, but it was really your passion and suzanne's. suzanne wright is central to
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this book. >> she certainly is. and as you know, she has p pancreatic cancer, which is just a really terrible condition/disease to deal with and in respect, it's like autism where there's not enough research done. it's very hard. and generally, the nih works on things that are not as hard as this and pancreatic and trying to break through that and make sure there's a substantial amount of research. that's what we had to do with autism and we've gotten for 10 or 11 years, almost $3 billion worth of research funds from congress to the nih, primarily all for autism and we need to do the same thing for pancreatic cancer, quite frankly. >> in fact, that's clear ly an enormous challenge and if anyone is the man, and suzanne, the woman for this job, it's you as
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well. i wanted to speak about autism for a moment from the book. because you say in the book that i knew from the very beginning that if we were going to accomplish anything, increasing awareness had to be the first priority because everything else, raising funds, supporting research, getting better legislation, putting pressure on insurers, everything flows from it. awareness is the gateway through which we accomplish everything else and it still is. and once you had awareness, first of all, the information started flowing, and the stories, the personal narratives. i mean, all of us now know people, our friends, our family members who have children who are going through this. and now adults are people going through this. >> we had a tremendous amount of support from the bbd and o. andrew. and bernie marcus was our hero.
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he came in and said, really have to do it. i've been with autism for a long time. this is bernie speaking and awareness is just killing me. i can't get the political action or the scientific action. we've moved the dialogue now over the years and we've had tremendous support from media, prints, radio, television, billboards. it's hundreds of millions of dollars worth of value in getting that across and it's proven. we're going to colleges now. we're going to young people. they know about autism. they know enough to come to the web site. they know enough that there's something they have to pay attention to. and that's a very big breakthrough. and it's both down through the locals, the smallest towns in america. >> and you even got pope francis involved. and finally, bob, suzanne has always been part of these segments. and we know she, i saw her this week and she's fighting this
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thing through. and how is she doing and what do you want people to know about pancreatic cancer? >> this is worse than autism. there's no early diagnosis program for pancreatic cancer. although, there is some research being done that might make that blow open in another eight or nine months in terms of getting early diagnosis. but what i guess i'd like people to know is that we need more research. we aren't getting it. it's the lower researched cancer of all the cancers and almost nobody that survives ten years. so 52,000 people will be diagnosed this year. pancreatic cancer and almost every one of them will die within the next ten years. that needs to be stopped. i think we can make some progress. just as we did with autism speaks in terms of making sure that pediatricians who are up to speed, making sure the nih is
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doing everything possible and with the missing program, that's sequencing, i have taken an awful lot from that program and realized that science can learn so much. if you can gather enough of the sequencing, we have almost 7,000 now on the google scientific portal. anybody can go to any legitimate scientist can go to. >> we have to leave it there, but that's for more conversation. thank you so much, our best to suzanne to you and everything you're doing. it's pretty extraordinary. thank you. >> andrea, thank you for your interest and involvement. we're very, very blessed to have you as a friend. >> as always, we thank you. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." remember, follow us online, on facebook, and twitter on. craig melvin is up next.
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